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Elice Cloud DataHub: Unveiled in 2024 to Revolutionize AI Model Development

Check out our comprehensive cloud solution that supports all stages of AI model development.

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Explore Elice's Exclusive AI Technology - Innovating Since 2024

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Leading the Future: CSAP-Certified AI Courseware Released in 2024

Explore Elice's robust platform, proven by Cloud Service Assurance Program (CSAP)

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Elice Cloud DataHub: Unveiled in 2024 to Revolutionize AI Model Development

Check out our comprehensive cloud solution that supports all stages of AI model development.

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Explore Elice's Exclusive AI Technology - Innovating Since 2024

Discover everything about Elice AI technology

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Leading the Future: CSAP-Certified AI Courseware Released in 2024

Explore Elice's robust platform, proven by Cloud Service Assurance Program (CSAP)

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Elice Cloud DataHub: Unveiled in 2024 to Revolutionize AI Model Development

Check out our comprehensive cloud solution that supports all stages of AI model development.

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Explore Elice's Exclusive AI Technology - Innovating Since 2024

Discover everything about Elice AI technology

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Leading the Future: CSAP-Certified AI Courseware Released in 2024

Explore Elice's robust platform, proven by Cloud Service Assurance Program (CSAP)

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The mobility industry, step on the digital transformation full accelerator

The automobile industry, one of the fastest digital transformation (DX) industries in the era of the 4th industrial revolution! The future automobile industry centered on autonomous driving and electric vehicles is so closely connected to communication, information collection through the cloud, and big data that it is called a 'wheel communication device'. Now that cars are no longer just a means of transportation, how should car manufacturers prepare for digital transformation?

The mobility industry,
step on the digital transformation full accelerator

DX Worries in the Mobility Industry

Elice DX Solution can be utilized in the following ways

Training on automotive production and process control improvement projects
Training on automotive production and process control improvement projects
Through projects that use automotive industry data to solve field problems, trainees can develop problem-solving skills that can be applied in real-world tasks. Develop DX capabilities for executives and employees through industry-tailored projects such as monitoring manufacturing production lines and predicting process anomalies.
Data analytics and predictive modeling training to develop customized marketing strategies
Data analytics and predictive modeling training to develop customized marketing strategies
In order to develop a customized marketing strategy, it is important to accurately identify customer behavior patterns and interests and make good use of them. From data collection and analysis to artificial intelligence and machine learning, five months of long-term DX training will allow trainees to establish customized marketing strategies.
PBL training based on own data that leads to a strong DX consensus
PBL training based on own data that leads to a strong DX consensus
Get in-house data-driven, hands-on project training (PBL) designed in collaboration with your corporate education representative. Develop and share solutions that can be used in practice, and actively introduce DX technology among executives and employees.

Elice DX Solution Explore our success stories

Manufacturing Process Efficiency and Anomaly Prediction Design Report
Created design reports to solve real-world problems, such as monitoring the real-time status of production lines and predicting manufacturing process anomalies to identify good and bad products.
Develop a customer creditworthiness prediction model
A non-technical employee analyzed the repurchase tendencies of car buyers and created an AI model design report to provide customers with the most suitable vehicle.
Leverage internal data for market competitiveness insights
By analyzing internal data, we derived insights that strengthened our market competitiveness, such as finding ways to improve the efficiency of the production process and customer satisfaction, and actively used them in practice.

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New material of dreams, artificial intelligence to find at once

#Development of new materials #Process Efficiency #Prediction of structural properties