Elice Newsroom
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Elice in the press
Elice,Inc. achieves International Standard for Data Protection and Privacy Certification
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- #ISO
Elice LXP to grow key usage metrics by up to 122% in the first half of 2024
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- #LXP
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Elice, Inc. to Participate in ISTE Live 24, a US EdTech Conference
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- #news
- #AI Digital Textbook
DX/Tech Insight
Team Elice
Operational Case
Competition Ratio 15:1, AI Platform Backend Competition
- #LXP
- #Operational case
Large-scale AI hackathon with over 1,500 participants
- #LXP
- #Test
- #Operational Case
Massive online DX training for 1,500 new hires to build AI capabilities
- #Operational Case
- #DX Training
- #online training
Tech Blog
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