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Business Administration graduate with a love for software - Technical Content Developer Seungyeon Lim



At Elicer, we customize project training to fit your situation and the data you have. In order to get this customized project training right, it’s important to know what companies need, and that’s where our Technical Content Developers come in. They’re in constant communication with company representatives to understand the problems they’re facing, find solutions, and create training content.

I think the phrase “educational content creation” doesn’t really capture the job, and that’s true when you look at the actual work that they do. From developing automated scoring scripts, to evolving content based on data, to maintaining the content, it’s a very challenging job because they have to take the processes of an engineer and make sure that they don’t lose sight of the educational perspective. That’s why I’m so excited to hear from Seungyeon today.

Seungyeon is a Technical Content Developer at Elicer, a job that requires a full understanding of both the training and development cycles, so we sat down with her to learn more.

Q. Please introduce yourself briefly.

Seungyeon Lim Hello. I’m Seungyeon Lim, a technical content developer at Elicer. I am in charge of corporate training in the Elicer Education team, and I create training courses for corporate employees.

Q. When and why did you join Elicer?

Seungyeon I joined in October 2019. I took an artificial intelligence training course called ‘AI School’ at Yangjae in 19, and I learned the training with the Elicer platform. The Elicer platform was interesting because I didn’t have to install any programs, so I was naturally interested in it, and after completing the training course, I had the opportunity to apply to Elicer through a recruitment event, so I joined.

Rare liberal arts student with a double major in engineering

Q. I see that you’re a business major and a software double major, and I’m curious how you’re using what you’ve learned in both majors.?

Seungyeon You have to know and understand the content of the training from the time you plan the training, so I’m using what I learned in my software major really well. I think it would have been a lot harder if I hadn’t majored in software.

And I think the things that I learned in business administration are being utilized to help me communicate with corporate representatives, because I have to understand what they need right now, what problems they’re having, and I did a lot of presentations in my business administration class, so I made a lot of presentations, and I think that experience helps me a lot when I’m creating training materials.

Q. Some people may not be familiar with the role of a technical content developer, can you tell us a little bit about the role of a technical content developer:?

Seungyeon You can think of a technical content developer as a person who plans, creates, distributes, and maintains curriculum. In the planning stage, we communicate with external company representatives to understand what they want, and in the production stage, depending on the purpose, we produce the curriculum that the company wants by dividing it into internal production and production with external experts. After production, we distribute the curriculum, but we have to keep maintaining and repairing the parts that we didn’t find during the review process. We also play a role in upgrading the old curriculum. I think you can think of it as a role that you have to keep taking the curriculum with you, not just completing it and ending it.

Difficulties in studying, I know best.


Q. Why did you become a technical content developer?

Seungyeon Actually, I had a lot of difficulties while I was majoring in software, and I wanted to help students with that. I understand the difficulties of people who are studying because I’ve been through it, and I thought I could point out that part. I had the confidence that I could create easy and friendly educational materials because I had a difficult time learning, and I thought it would be fun. So even now, when I review educational materials, I focus on that part, and I look for things that are omitted or things that seem to be difficult to understand.

Q. What does a technical content developer do at Elicer?

Seungyeon A technical content developer focuses on how to make our content look good on the Elicer platform, so they need to have a good understanding of the platform. They need to know what it takes to make the training work well on our platform, and what it takes to communicate with instructors. They need to understand how the platform works, the grading code, etc.

So if you come to us with the idea of developing training content as other training companies do, I think it can be difficult, because you have to think about what you need to do to make the training more effective on the platform. You have to be constantly involved in the planning and production stages, and it takes a long time to create a course.

Q. What are you focusing on these days and what are you working on for that?

Seungyeon We’re focusing on corporate PBL (Project Based Learning) training, because we’ve created a lot of basic online courses, but the question is, how do you use it now that you’ve taken all the basic courses? So we created a project course that specializes in each company’s data, and that’s PBL.

I feel like I’ve become a consultant specializing in corporate training.

Q. Since every company’s PBL will be different, what is the process you go through to understand each company’s situation, industry, and business:?

Seungyeon We actually make a lot of PBLs, but we can’t recycle them because they are project trainings for each company. In the planning stage of each training, we keep meeting with internal experts to customize PBLs for each company. We talk about the company’s problems with internal experts and keep finding points of agreement, and the plans go back and forth. So I think this work is similar to consulting work.

Q. When working as a technical content developer, what is the most important part of your job?

Seungyeon I think the first one is communication skills, because you have to understand a lot of people. You have to understand the company representative, you have to understand the external instructor, and you have to actively communicate with the team members to find a compromise point, so I think communication skills are important.

Then you need to have a good understanding of the technology, so that you can understand the training content, design the curriculum, and explain it easily to the corporate representatives.

Q. In Seungyeon’s opinion, what makes the job of a technical content developer attractive?

Seungyeon I think it’s the fact that you can learn more as you work, and it’s good to meet people from different industries, and I think it’s the fact that you’re constantly learning about things that you didn’t know, so you’re never stuck.

Q. What’s the most challenging project you’ve worked on at Elicer?

Seungyeon In 2021, I was the selection test PM for a national curriculum called ‘Software Maestro’, and I think that project was the most challenging. First of all, I had never done a test for 1,700 people before, and it was a big pressure because if I made a mistake and there was an error, it would be a problem for the business itself, so it was a very challenging project for me.

Q. What is your proudest accomplishment at Elicer?”

Seungyeon So, my proudest achievement is ‘Software Maestro’. I was very proud when I ran a test for a large group of people and there were no objections, and the person in charge told me that the test run was smooth because of Elicer.

Q. What would you like to do with Elicer in the future:?

Seungyeon Until now, we have been conducting employee training and PBL training that focuses more on learning. I would like to go a step further and develop training that focuses on actually solving corporate problems and is 100% practical. It may not be easy, but I would like to create such a curriculum.

The more you work, the more confident you become

Q. There are many people who work ‘technically’ at Elicer. What kind of technical ways do you work at Elicer? Please share an example.

Seungyeon I’ve been using Pandas a lot. Pandas is a Python library, and I use it to filter out duplicate data or average a column through Python. I can write Python programs and quickly visualize a lot of dashboard data using it. I find it easier than Excel. (laughs)

Q. Working technically must have been a learning curve, did you find it difficult to learn and put it into practice?

Seungyeon I learned about Pandas at ‘AI School’, the training program that led me to join Elicer, but in fact, learning in training and applying in practice are completely different. So, to apply what I learned in practice, I studied by myself, Googling and applying data by myself.

Q. What are some of the benefits of working technically?

Seungyeon I think it gives you a sense of confidence that you’ve turned something that was working inefficiently into something that’s working efficiently, and I think it expands your thinking to, “Can I automate this?” when you’re doing other things.

Q. What would you say to a prospective candidate joining Elicer as a technical content developer in the future:?

Seungyeon There are a lot of things that you get from working as a technical content developer, especially the satisfaction and pride of knowing that you’ve created a training that is helpful to the people who are taking it, whether it’s students or employees. If you value this kind of thing, I think it will give you the strength to get through the ups and downs.

Technical content developer Seungyeon, you’re in charge of creating training customized for each company and solving their problems, so it seems like good communication skills are important.

I think it’s a meaningful job for those who like to keep up with the rapid changes in the technology environment and solve corporate problems. By creating courses on the Elicer platform, you can build your development skills and create a career as an educator in a new paradigm. If you value creating and delivering training that helps others, apply to become an Elicer Technical Content Developer!

Apply to be an Elicer Technical Content Developer: https://elice.careers/jobs/contents-engineer#job-posting-section

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