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Elice Cloud DataHub: Unveiled in 2024 to Revolutionize AI Model Development

Check out our comprehensive cloud solution that supports all stages of AI model development.A

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Explore Elice's Exclusive AI Technology - Innovating Since 2024

Discover everything about Elice AI technology

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Leading the Future: CSAP-Certified AI Courseware Released in 2024

Explore Elice's robust platform, proven by Cloud Service Assurance Program (CSAP)

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Elice Cloud DataHub: Unveiled in 2024 to Revolutionize AI Model Development

Check out our comprehensive cloud solution that supports all stages of AI model development.A

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Explore Elice's Exclusive AI Technology - Innovating Since 2024

Discover everything about Elice AI technology

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Leading the Future: CSAP-Certified AI Courseware Released in 2024

Explore Elice's robust platform, proven by Cloud Service Assurance Program (CSAP)

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Elice Cloud DataHub: Unveiled in 2024 to Revolutionize AI Model Development

Check out our comprehensive cloud solution that supports all stages of AI model development.A

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Explore Elice's Exclusive AI Technology - Innovating Since 2024

Discover everything about Elice AI technology

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Leading the Future: CSAP-Certified AI Courseware Released in 2024

Explore Elice's robust platform, proven by Cloud Service Assurance Program (CSAP)

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What's life like at Elice?



Every company works and looks different, and you can really get a sense of a company’s culture by seeing how its employees live.

So, what’s life like at Elice? Here’s how we work and live at Elice!

I’m all about horizontal communication.

#We’re not hierarchical.

At Elice, we have job titles, but no hierarchy. Everyone at Elice, including our CEO, is addressed as “sir.” There’s no unnecessary authority, and our horizontal structure allows anyone to suggest tasks and give and receive constructive feedback. When you execute a task, you get feedback from a respected leader, with the goal of making it better and growing for everyone.

#When you’re feeling burned out and overwhelmed, ask for a one-on-one (1:1).

As a startup, you have to prove something uncertain over and over again, and the process is naturally difficult and complicated. You can always apply for one-on-one support when you are facing such difficulties. You can ask your CEO, team/squad leader, or someone you trust for a one-on-one, where you can share your concerns and get advice on how to move forward over tea. We have a culture that actively supports Elicer to find a better way forward.

#Are we on the right track? Find out in the Gathering.

The Gathering is a town hall meeting where all Elicer come together to candidly share how we're progressing toward achieving our vision and the key issues for each team. We currently hold them on the last Thursday of every month, and all Elicer are welcome to ask questions, discuss, and make suggestions about the presentations. We also use the time to catch up on company news and introduce new hires. This time allows us to objectively recognize where we are as a team, and we're growing stronger in our understanding of each other to achieve our common mission.
![](https://cdn-api.elice.io/api-attachment/attachment/8a31dc45cec44343b121c7236444d52f/%E1%84%8B%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%84%89%E1%85%B3%E1%84%89%E1%85%A2%E1%86%BC%E1%84%92%E1%85%AA%E1%86%AF3.jpg) On and Off Gatherings
## Working technically ### #We have a data-friendly culture. We believe that data creates new opportunities and helps us make better decisions, so we strive to create a culture where our people can access, understand, and utilize data with confidence. Each team, especially Tech Business Development and KDT, creates dashboards and discusses data as a team. All Elicer utilize iPads to view data and dashboards anytime, anywhere, and communicate based on them. In this way, we're actively helping them to believe in the value of data and make data-driven decisions.

#I work and live technologically on my iPad.

Elise is getting an iPad as part of her welcome kit. You’ll be able to work and live technologically with your iPad, be more efficient and productive, view data and dashboards instantly, and conduct virtual meetings with Elice Classroom. We’re also helping you use your iPad as a tool for growth outside of work. They can read all the books they want with the Elice eLibrary, and take Elice software training to grow technically.

Elicer Thirsty for Growth

#Host a study on any topic of your choice.

All Elicer are free to organize a study on any topic of their choice. It’s a great way to meet and share ideas with other Elicer you might not normally interact with in your day-to-day work, and it’s a great way to grow as an Elysian. We’ve hosted studies on topics such as IT knowledge for non-technical people, conversational English, and design in the digital age.

Announcement of IT knowledge study for non-majors

Announcement of Design Study in the Digital Age

When you play, you work better.

#When it’s a special occasion, we’re all in on the fun.

Whenever we have a special occasion to celebrate, we organize an in-house event for all Elicer to enjoy. On our last anniversary, we held an event called ‘On & Off Gathering’ to celebrate the 6th anniversary of Elice. All Elicer gathered to eat delicious food, play games, and communicate with each other. On Lunar New Year’s Day 2022, we held the ‘1st Elice Mock Test’ to introduce the Elice platform to family and friends and participate in a raffle event. The winners received a gift certificate for two to Shilla Hotel The Parkview Buffet worth $300,000.

Elice Anniversary Event

#Every month we have a new experience, a team activity.

Whether it’s going to a musical, playing an escape room, climbing, or taking a dance class, you’ll be able to try out activities that you wouldn’t normally be able to do. All activities are organized and participated in on a rotational basis within the team. Team activities are a great way to foster interaction within your team, and you can even organize joint activities with other teams. It’s a great way to connect with your teammates over a delicious meal and fun activities.

Finance and Education Team Escape Room Activities

#We work hard when we get together, and relax when we don’t.

Elice believes in the synergy that comes from working with colleagues in a group, which is why we’re so collaborative and quick to communicate. We currently work a 10 to 7 schedule, and if you need to change your hours for personal reasons, you can ask your team leader to adjust. Our vacation policy is based on respecting other Elsevier’s working hours, and if you keep this in mind, you can take time off without approval, and you can take special time off for things like medical checkups and vaccinations.

At Elice, we’re constantly looking for ways to make our environment better for you, and we strive to create a culture that’s great to work in. You, in turn, are building a better Elice through your work and life every day. If you’re interested in being a part of this life and culture, we welcome you with open arms!

Want to join us? >>

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  • #elice
  • #elice team
  • #culture
  • #people